Wednesday, December 9, 2020

The Five Venoms


                          One of my usual late-night movies on Netflix I decided to check out a kung fu film. Luckily for me I was able to say why not, now Bruce Lee's films like Enter the Dragon, Game of Death on Fists of Fury. But this one while watching at least fifteen minutes into I was very intrigued when it comes to showing each of the kung fu, fighting styles on screen for the audience to see. Moreover, I like the fact we're in a sense whose who, when it comes to some of the mysterious characters. Mostly made in the late seventies, this film The Five Venoms does a great job in terms of using the wide-angle lens of the camera and give you a nice way to see how each of the fighting style's but will get to that later, let's talk about this hidden gem on Netflix.
                           A Dying Master sends his last pupil on a mission to keep a watchful eye on his Five students who he bestowed five venom like fighting styles (The Centipede, Snake, Scorpion, Lizard and Toad). But in order to survive the last student must ally with one of the four in order to succeed in his mission. Though for see's that a conspiracy of fortune becomes involved, and the last student to the dying master must find out who to trust in a game of who is who.
                            I know there's a rare few of people who enjoy kung fu films or martial arts epics, but this was really caught my eye in a good way. For many reasons mostly, I think it's a unique genius idea creating a story of who is who and the audience trying to figure out which of the mask man is, and I believe they really pull that off in the best of filmmakers ability moreover I was still on the edge of my seat trying to figure out who were the remaining five were. The other reason why this film is so great is that they use a lot of the wide angle lens to let us see more of each fighting style so we can absorb more of what each fighter can do furthermore I love that they keep the fight sequences going while on the wide lens to make it more compelling and epic at the same time, also what makes these fights mesmerizing is you get to see them in full image not just some quick edits or lame CGI effects where they seem to have high speed fighting styles or look like there for some reason can make those ridiculous jumps. Now I know there a rare few people aren't big on martial arts films, and sure I have my personal favorites from Enter the Dragon to Brotherhood of the Wolf, furthermore I truly understand if you’re not big into these kind of films but if you love martial arts films I would highly recommend watching this great epic it was great to watch put me on the edge of my seat till the final frame. Plus, this film isn't CGI effects or way too many quick edits for which I have to give double points for this film if there not doing any of those annoying elements. 

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