Monday, December 21, 2020

Kiss of the Dragon


                          I see bits and pieces of Jet Li's films mainly because majority of his films our modern ones and to be brutally honest there occasionally on the meh to okay-ish side to them from like Romeo must die to that one with DMX. But when I was browsing around, furthermore found Kiss of the Dragon, I said to myself why not I'll give this a chance. Now I don't think that I would want to watch this film again, but I got to say this was admittedly entertaining in terms of the fight sequences and the most satisfying death scene to a bad guy. Granted I don't know if you’re a big fan of Jet Li's films but if you’re trying to find a film to watch and any given movie night this would probably be one of those B-movies I would recommend watching. 
                          During an operation set in Paris goes horribly wrong and a Chinese intelligence agent (Jet Li) becomes a fall guy in this set up. Now one the run the agent helps a prostitute (Bridget Fonda) whom is also in the same situation as he is to stop the crooked constable, before more blood is shed.
                           Now I'll admit the story was not that great, but I think what saves this movie is majority of the fight sequences and I got to admit Li does a great job keeping you on the edge of your seat until the final frame. Furthermore I did a little research and found that majority of the action sequences used very little in terms of wire work and CGI enhancement's, now I don't know what CGI enhancement means but I do remember watching Blade 2 and one fight sequence where there two clips that looked a bid cartoonish, so I guess that's what they’re talking about. The final climax of the film I do say was what makes the film enjoyable to watch because it really does a great job in using a lot of the wide angle camera and really pacing the fights where you get to see how Li uses is brain when it comes to strategize so a lot of using a lot of wide camera angles and less of the short camera angles instead of using way to many quick edits I got to say they did a great job. And finally I save the best for last is the great satisfaction I got when seeing a painful death a bad guy gets, and my word, I got to admit I loved the fact that Ramsey Snow gets what coming to him in Game of Thrones moreover had a boner when I watched the first season of the Punisher, though this one I have to say is up there in the to five favorite deaths by a terrible human being. So deep down, the story is mediocre for which is convenient in all action movies in the pre-2000's but I have to at least give some bonus points for the action sequences. So, if you’re having a rough week and wanting to turn your brain off, then Kiss of the Dragon would be a movie to watch when it comes to refueling your brain. 

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