Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order


                               When I was a kid and received my first PlayStation 2 system, one of the first of many games I've ever played moreover didn't stop playing were anything Star Wars because well, as we all know if you were a teenager like me and when the prequals came out that was pretty much the only thing I was consumed in playing I didn't need any God of War or Grand Theft Auto all I need are Star Wars games. And sure through the course of each system there's been less of Star Wars games to play but I have to say replaying this game was as always fun to play but also having great knowledge about life and struggles when overcoming the fears we have with ourselves. Moreover once I get to what makes this game amazing, I will hopefully convince people of the Star Wars fanbase that when you’re a young age you'd always think that the Sith and Empire were the coolest but deep down were all Jedi when it comes to goodness. 
                               Set five years after the fall of the Republic and the Jedi Purge, young Jedi Cal Kestis is hiding from the Empire in a distant planet salvaging ships from the Clone Wars, unfortunately after saving a friend. Sith enforcers also knowns as Inquisitors track him down, but later rescued by a fallen Jedi and a Caption of the Stinger Mantis. Cal begins to learn that there is hope for the Jedi and goes on a quest of a lifetime for which decides the fate of the Jedi but also discovers what it truly means to be a Jedi.
                                At first I'll admit when I first played the game I was hoping to play the some of the meditation training unfortunately you have to beat the game in order to play that part but through the course of playing the story mode I have to admit while going through the course of the journey I didn't get the whole meaning of being a Jedi until after I finished playing the game and felt like wow. My mind was just blown, and truly deep down when you think about it when you’re a star wars fan at a young age you'd always loved the Empire mainly because they were the perfected costumed antagonists furthermore guys like Darth Vader were always shrouded in mystery where you don't know where they came from, and granted I still look at Darth Vader as my all-time favorite character but when you get to a mature age like I've become, you realize that oh I don't want to be what the Sith is, because of all the pain and suffering you have to endure and the madness that goes with in while a Jedi shows more meaning to life especially when you’re looking at yourself in the mirror, and one of the meaningful words of wisdom is when there cutting to one of the many flashbacks in the game for an upgrade to your character you hear who I look as the greatest Jedi Master Jaro Tapal during a training young Cal says "I just keep failing, Master" and Tapal reply's "Do you? Good. Keep failing, keep getting back up. That is the only way to succeed. Don't allow yourself to be weighed down by ego and pretense. Let go of what you fear to lose and rise up." Hell, if years of Catholic teachings haven't taught you anything about life thank God Star Wars is able to guide you along the way. Furthermore that's really the one true reason why Star Wars is the greatest Sci-Fi/Fantasy of all time, there just know franchise in the world that can give you a deeper meanings towards life and general plus create some great stories as well and translate them to movies, tv shows and games. So, if you’re ever waiting on getting a PS5, I would highly recommend digging this game out or if you don't have it. At least purchase this great game and play it and master the ways of the Force. And for the record, I am replaying the game right now because I want to be the final boss with on try instead of having to die all the time.   

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