Saturday, September 11, 2021

The Suicide Squad


                             I'm a little burned out of Warner Bro's trying to revamp the DC Universe into live action films, so sorry not sorry when I say that I haven't seen Zach Snyder's Cut of the Justice League right away or the latest Suicide Squad. Well, as fate would reach out to extend its hand, I was told that it was a great movie and should look at the film. Staring familiar cast of characters, such as Viola Davis, Margot Robbie, and Joel Kinnaman. With newcomers like Idris Elba, Sylvester Stallone, the ever great and talented Peter Capaldi and a man I feel disgusted in saying because this is only great film so here it goes, John Cena, and let’s be honest this is his only film worth seeing because Cena is a side character in this film. Though sure Cena's not the only one who’s terrible at his job but aside from Jai Courtney and Pete Davidson but while watching this I'll admit there were moments that gave me a more satisfying glimpse of Hope. So, without further ado let’s talk about the Suicide Squad.
                             Kind of like the first film in terms of storyline goes, only this time Amanda Waller (Viola Davis) summons Task Force X to take down a government that's dealing with something that's out of this world needless to say but let’s not forget something dangerous. 
                              In terms of comic book series and ideas, the Suicide Squad is one of the most ingenious ideas DC comics has ever created, furthermore in terms of bringing this to the big screen it's also one of the most simplest ideas as well in a great example just think of this as the Justice League combined with the dirty dozen. And that right there is how you should always see the Suicide Squad as, but the 2016 film they tried to make this more of a cookie cutter film and marketing it for everyone to watch and that something you should never do with a movie like this. And thank the good Lord, James Gunn came along to give this movie a clean slate, because this was a hundred percent better than that 2016 film for many reasons this is more violent and more deranged than the other film plus its marketed in the right way possible then the last film. Even if you’re not a huge comic book guy or gal, the movie itself explains all the rules for you when it comes to the Suicide Squad especially when they have to follow orders or they die furthermore a ton of betrayal comes into this movie as well. I think of all of the actors that are in the film Idris Elba really stands out of all of them, for many reasons I always think of him as the underappreciative Denzel Washington, because he always delivers in role's like this and then he get shoved off of the table and really this is one of those great roles where he shows off his acting chops even more, also he makes fun of John Cena so what can't you not love about him in this film. Viola Davis as always is a gifted actress and really owns the character of Amanda Waller and the same goes to Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn though if I had to give some props to a recurring character return, it would be Joel Kinnaman as Col. Flag and he at least gave a improved performance than the last time he was Flag but this time he at least gave him more of a sense of humor and not always being serious all the time which I thought he did a great job. But deep down if there was anyone who I would declared stealing the entire film in the right way, was the ever great and talented Peter Capaldi as the thinker and despite the fact that he was only in the film for a short time he made a powerhouse of a scene and brought me back to a time when he was amazing in shows like the thick of it and Doctor Who furthermore In The Loop. Hands down in terms of the best DC Universe movies since the end of the Dark Knight Trilogy I would say both Wonder Woman and The Suicide Squad are both even at number one, and despite this film being amazing as it, its thanks to James Gunn weirdness and incorporating elements from Guardians of the Galaxy. It’s probably the only one superhero film worth seeing this year, because deep down I have little high hopes for Marvels next upcoming films and don't really see the need. 

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