Thursday, June 17, 2021

Crazy Rich Asians


                              Before Crazy Rich Asians became the success it was and still is, I wasn't all big in wanting to see this movie, for many reasons I felt that the storyline was in a sense overrated and the fact that the sub-plot of the movie has the mother looking down on our protagonist of the film I was like gee like we've never in a million years seen that before. Especially when the mother is played by Michelle Yeoh in which if it where me I would of just said to her face "yeah your only good movies in life were Tomorrow Never Dies so what are you going to do about it?". Fast forward to now this film appeared on television and a bunch of friends of mine told me I need to watch this film furthermore just simply stated to watch like at least ten minutes of the movie. Well sure enough I watched the whole movie and I was hooked right away, then I decided to re-watch this movie for movie review purposes and I'm not going to like it was like John Legend, Ed Sheeran and Lady Gaga came out of nowhere and purposely made me feel that love really did exist and I'm a guy, for which explaining that's really hard to do sometimes when it comes to romantic comedies. So, let’s talk about why Crazy Rich Asians has now become my new favorite chick flick.
                             Rachel Chu (Constance Wu) is happy to accompany her longtime boyfriend Nick (Henry Golding), to his best friend’s wedding in Singapore. She's also surprised to learn Nick's family is extremely wealthy and he's considered one of the country's most eligible bachelors. Trust into the spotlight, Rachel must now contend with jealous socialites, quirky relatives, and something far, far worse-Nick's disapproving mother (Michelle Yeoh). 
                             Now I know you'll probably look at me and think that I'm not a huge fan romantic comedy or not big in love stories. Well it’s a blend of both yes and no, in all honesty I have no problem watching a romantic comedy or chick flick as long as it’s done properly or a better explanation I'm very picky when it comes to looking for a chick flick that I would most certainly love to watch over and over again, moreover romantic films really should be a piece of cake when you think about it, though problem is, that writers and directors like well sorry if but I'm can't help but throw Nicholas Sparks under the bus (though I just can't help it because the man brings it on himself, he's almost like the Michael Bay of love stories) but when it comes to his writing that man just creates way to much drama moreover making bland very convenient endings that are a shamefully dumb and cliché. Moreover when you’re writing a romantic comedy, you really need to think of a few steps, for starters you need to focus on the couple from start to finish, secondly when it comes to the drama and comedy side you really need to be careful with that for many reasons you provide so much drama with the everything that's happening then you just lose touch with the characters in general, another reason if you have some of these overrated drama scenes then again you are really trying to hard to the point where it becomes funny to some people and then your movie is going to be sent to the Hallmark channel or as I like to call it the purgatory of romantic movies. The comedic side to the story is in a sense similar to the aspects of what the drama should be only you need to be extremely careful with that as well because as we all know when it comes to comedy that's the hardest part and you defiantly need the right people for the job moreover have the perfect chemistry with the actors as well. See, these are very simple tips you can use for you romantic comedy that can turn from Twilight to Crazy Rich Asians. And I have to give huge props director Jon M. Chu who did in outstanding job in really, stay true to the books source material and also making a believable love story that even grabbed me into watching this, until the final frame. Though in all honesty I can't think of anyone who could of directed this film better than Chu, because he of all people in the world really cared about the story moreover what it mean to people of Asian descent and I'll say this again in case I'm repeating myself, bringing to life a love story that I believe even guys like me can defiantly watch over and over again. I also need to give Chu huge praise because I just looked at his filmography and I felt sad for the guy and these were movie's even I didn't want to say out loud, so in short I'm glad the man has a movie under his belt that he can now go off and do more work. Constance Wu does in amazing job playing the lead role moreover does great work pulling her weight in making the audience believe that she's a strong woman who has her doubts during her journey but in the end stands up to the very people who looked down on her and the same goes to Henry Golding, Wu's love interest in the movie and really these two deserve great praise mainly because of how believable they are as a couple even in the grand moments where they look into each other’s eyes and you know as in audience member that they were meant for each other. If I had to give in award for great comic relief in the movie it would most certainly be actress Awkwafina, for many reasons she does a fantastic job with the comedic scenes moreover picking the right time when it comes to cracking jokes and even getting me to smile a little bit moreover even I thought she was the best part when it came to the comedic side to the movie. So, I'm looking forward to seeing her in the upcoming Marvel film. And so in closing I'd like to apologize to my favorite romantic films Casablanca, The Princess Bride, High Fidelity and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind because now you all have to put up with Crazy Rich Asians as one of my favorite romantic comedies. And guys don't be afraid to watch this great film this will honestly make you feel things in ways you can't even imagine moreover if life hasn't taught me anything I would imagine women love a man who loves a romantic comedy. 

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