Tuesday, January 19, 2021

WandaVision: First Two Episodes Review


                           Well, Phase Four of Marvel Cinematic Universe has commenced. And? Okay I'm not going to lie about WandaVision, I was totally lost after watching the first two episodes, meaning I don't quite understand what I was watching really. Like I guess this is some sort of traveling back to old retro TV's sitcoms with a blend of Westworld. But what bothers me is what is the point to this whole lunacy, why can't we just turn waste so much money one a pointless show that's only going be one season on Disney+, when you could simply just put this a full-fledged movie on Disney+. Although in the end I'm not going to get any of these answers, so I'm going to try and explain in the best of my abilities the idea that is WandaVision.
                               Set after the events of Avengers: Endgame. Both Wanda and Vision (Elisabeth Olsen and Paul Bettany) have somehow are trapped in a world that doesn't seem to be real. Although they don't feel something's wrong but the slowly begin to see strange things. Now in futures to come who knows what could happen.
                               And so that was my explanation on what WandaVision is so far, furthermore it was just too hard to binge watch this show because I was literally in overload mode when it came to so many questions in terms of what the hell is going on. Even I can't understand why everyone thinks this show is amazing all because they did a fantastic job with paying tribute to the past sitcoms. Which is fine I guess, but at least give me something that the world is Wanda and Vision are living in is completely fake, or at least have Kevin Feige make a cameo saying that he hates it or something. The only theory I can come up with how Vison came back from the dead, was that he's in purgatory for which explains why he's in this strange world of TV Land, and if that's the case then he must of had a terrible deal in order to be in that kind of purgatory moreover if that's what purgatory is then kill me five thousand times over. Now, if you want me to tell you if this is binge worthy? Then the answer is most certainly no, just take my advice and wait till March fifth when the finale comes out because this show will probably hurt your brain in more ways than you can possibly imagine moreover goes for me as well, because I'm going to do the same and take my time to watch one episode at a time, for many reasons I think this show was a waste of money and should of been used for movie purposes than a show for Disney+.  

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