It really started with a night of watching Mystery Science Theater 3000, me and my brother were just watching one episode where Mike Nelson and the Bots are watching Deathstalker and the Warriors from Hell. And after watching that movie we decided to watch another B-movie called Barbarian Queen, which is weird. Although this was a bad but enjoyable movie that has hilarious dubbing moreover the filmmakers are a bunch of sleaze balls that everywhere you turn all the women are completely topless. Though I should add that the film was executive produced by Roger Corman, the king of insanely entertaining B-movies. Staring Lana Clarkson who years later was murdered by Phil Spector moreover appeared in an episode of another Roger Corman show one I talked about three years ago Black Scorpion for which was her final performance before she died. I have now begun to rethink that all movies that come out every year are nothing but throw away films and slowly turn to the forgotten realm.
Barbarian woman (Lead by Lana Clarkson) go on a quest for revenge when pagans in black ruin wedding day.
I now began to rethink that all movies that come out every year are nothing but throw away films and slowly turn to the forgotten realm moreover just getting a buck or just something to profit. And I do remember a fair share of films I've seen in the movie theaters where a good portion of films that come out either in January through March or the mindless action films that come out in the summer blockbuster season there only made just to keep the lights running. Which is fair and understanding but how can these movies make money when they don't make profit in the theaters? And there's so many questions with the system of Hollywood that just doesn't make any sense and Barbarian Queen is a great example of that. In terms of the research, I found Roger Corman wanted to produce a sword and sorcery film to capitalize the success of Conan the Barbarian. Which yeah it makes sense but, if you experienced any of Corman's produced films I can't honestly say if he was going to take the film serious or does not care about the story mainly because the film by itself is an hour and ten minutes long, and I'm not lying when I say it, it's that long and even when it comes to the end it shows that they were just wanting to wrap it up like pronto. Furthermore, when it comes to Corman, where does the money go and how is he able to fund the money to keep the lights running, especially when it comes to his studio company? So, again there are so many questions that are just curious to me because if I was running a company studio, I want my films to be seen not just throw aways that no one will ever see again moreover years later appear on Tubi. But, then you have to realize that the things which makes Barbarian Queen entertaining is that the film is unintentionally funny like the dubbing for a great example, and if you don't know what dubbing is, it's basically if you don't have a boom mic in certain scenes where it's impossible to have a boom mic you go to the studio and dub you're lines and since the film was shot in Argentina I assume majority of the lines had to be dubbed which again that's an assumption so again the films is so forgotten that you can't even find answers on IMBD. The other thing is that the film has so much topless woman that the costumes weren't made to be strong clothing, and the thing is that the beginning of the film starts off with a plunder of woman that just seems wrong but yet I'm like of course this would happen moreover kind of funny because yet again this just so predictable that all the men in the movie are thinking with their balls, and the scene that also gives the movie two stars is that a male torturer is pillaging the queen that it looks like her vagjayjay is demolishing the guys dong and then pushes him into a vat of acid, it's just the little things that just makes it funny. Now, I'm not going to lie when I say this, through the course of the film I begin to hear music from Jesus Christ Superstar and while watching the film I began singing one of the songs from Superstar, which is crazy and funny at the same time. Anyway, this is a film that is not for recommendation but is also a conversation starter for how the system of Hollywood is somewhat in question in terms of how they're able to make a profit especially when it comes to B-Movies that become forgotten hidden treasures.