Sunday, October 23, 2022

Jason X


                                  Happy Halloween everyone, that's right it's time to pop in some good old fashion scary movies to watch. Though to be fair, being terrified does have its staleness at times furthermore you need to see some movies that you haven't seen that are promoted to be scary but just seem too good to take serious at times. Luckily for me I've discovered two quotes on quote scary films that are disguised as comedies, one of them just so happens to be Jason X, a movie where they decided to take the legendary movie monster Jason Voorhees in space, just like putting James Bond inside a rocket ship and shooting him up into space. Shamefully of all the Friday the 13th movies I've seen this was in all honesty the very first Jason movie I've seen as a teenager, and to be truthfully honest I really didn't care much about the teens or adults in the movie dying, nor after watching the film did, I care now, because I was just watching the rampage Jason was causing. 
                                  The film is set in the year 2455, the Pandemic has consumed all of Earth and future scientist scrooge the earth for more artifacts, luckily, they stumbled upon Jason Voorhees (Kane Hodder) body along with another survivor who as fate would seem trapped in a freezing chamber. Now Jason is unfrozen and as every hunter's would say "It's Hunting Season".
                                   As convenient as most of making movies would go Jason X, had a lot of rewrites, the director of the movie wanted to be scary and weirder, while the writer of the movie wanted the comedy come through with the action, and producer Sean S. Cunningham the man behind the first Friday the 13th claimed to not have anything to do with the movies creation just writing the paychecks, though he proceeded to have rewrites done way into the rehearsal time, so you know that this movie was going to be bad when the director, writer and producer are having different ideas moreover not wanting to split the difference. Now as a movie by itself, in all honesty it's not all bad, and granted you can ask me why? Well, the thing of it is, is that we all know what a bad movie is when it comes to watching movies go and we all have our differences, but with Jason X it's really like I know what you did last summer and its sequel what makes them of course entertaining is that their unintentionally funny.  From Jason being the only smartest killer in the entire movie to all the teenagers dressing up like slut's (sorry to all the women out there) and let’s not forget the dumb male scientists not listening to the only smartest woman scientist? In the entire movie, oh I almost forgot the army soldiers not accepting the fact that Jason is a zombie furthermore can never die. Yes, the movie isn't at all scary and to be honest I think the producers and filmmakers from Nightmare on Elm Street sequels to the Jason Movie sequels weren't at all caring about the survivors they just wanted to see more of these killers going on a rampage and to be fair where all looking for that but isn't the sole purpose is to not root for the bad guy and root for the survivors to win? Ah hell deep down who cares I guess what I'm trying to say is that Jason X is a movie that it is what it is, and in all honesty, I rank this in one of my top ten best B-Movies to watch whenever you don't want to do anything or think. Now having re-watched Jason X, the question remains on whether I'd watch all of the Friday the 13th movies and to be truthfully honest no mainly because I've seen just this one Jason movie and seen the original Nightmare on Elm Street movie, the one that Wes Craven made and have seen Freddy vs Jason so to be honest I really have no desire to watch all of these movies in chronological order for many reasons there all bad so Jason X is the go to bad movie I'd rather watch whole along with Freddy vs Jason. Now before closing I do need to give a small award to Peter Mensah who plays the army Sargent in the movie whose also full-blown John Rambo-ish because in all honesty he's really the best actor in the entire film moreover has some bad ass moments. I will rank this is up there in the best B-movies of all time for the most obvious reasons it’s a great laugh and it was also made in Canada for which I honestly don't know what good movie has come out of Canada in the thirty-five years of my life, but if you’re bored of watching all scary movies or not finding something to watch on Halloween, then I would highly recommend watching Jason X, though I'd make your decision soon because TUBI does remove its stuff in quick times, but if you don't feel like watching this movie I totally understand your reasons.

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