Monday, March 14, 2022

The Batman


                                 One of the Greatest Superheroes of all Time is back on the big screen, as he always should be. Only this time it’s a different take on Batman, that's right no more Batffleck and this choice is one of those choices you've never believed would work but for some reasons does for which I'm referring Robert Pattinson and to be honest I now have full respect for the man because he does a great job playing Bruce Wayne/Batman. I know that you all find me being sarcastic, but I thought he did a great job with his take as Batman, hell I even loved Zoe Kravitz as Catwoman. I'll even go so far as saying that the whole story line is great and works in the best possible way I can even go so far and say the entire casting works as well especially Colin Farrell as Penguin, though I think what really hurt the film the most was defiantly the length of the movie but will get to that latter.
                                  Batman (Robert Pattinson) ventures into Gotham City's underworld when a sadistic killer leaves behind a trail of cryptic clues. As evidence begins to lead closer to home and the scale of the perpetrator's plans become clear, Batman must forge new relationships, unmask the culprit and bring justice to the abuse of power and corruption that has long plagued the metropolis.
                                   I will admit there was a lot of things they did right with this film for which I was surprised with and will start off with the cast. In all honesty, I truly thought Robert Pattinson did a fantastic playing Batman/Bruce Wayne, and as we've all learned through the course of the years in order accept an actor whose taking over the mantle of the movie or TV role of Batman, they must at least create their own unique spin on the character that's never been done before. And I like the fact that Pattinson's Batman is more secluded and is using the Batman persona as a coping mechanism to escape his trauma, moreover I love the fact that director Matt Reeves shows Bruce taking off his cowl and we get to see him using eye liner instead of just hiding like the past Batman films have done, furthermore it’s kind of nice to just except the fact that Batman has to wear eyeliner when he goes out to fight crime, also makes for good close ups for a guy whose fighting with his own past trauma. Like I said before the entire cast works, I love that the Riddler is basically the Zodiac Killer when it comes to Batman's world and again the story itself and the entire setting works it’s just one problem I have with the film. It’s just too  damn long, now most superhero films are like two hours and fifteen minutes max, this film is like three hours long and sure Avengers: Endgame was three hours long but that was in action movie this was basically a detective movie, Batman was really doing enough kicking butt, now sure you can make this film three hours, but have the film balance between Batman being a detective and fighting crime and I didn't feel he wasn't beating enough bad guys in the film. Now I will argue and say that Pattinsons Batman is a hell of a lot better than Batffleck furthermore he's earned my respect in being called by his name and not being referred to by his Twilight past, in which now I'm confident he's escaped the hellish prison and now looking to find better work elsewhere. Now would I rank this up with the Dark Knight Trilogy um, I wouldn't think it’s close, but I give a good sense to watch this movie if you’re up for a three-hour long movie, as for me I don't know if I can really go back and re-watch it again it might be a while before I'm ready to go back. 


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