Finally finished the final chapter in Ezio's journey, were it combines all three stories of the Assassin's Creed series from the first game to Brotherhood and like all endings they always must have an undecided conclusion. Unfortunately, we get to see what it's like to live in Constantinople during the rise of the Ottoman Empire well even though it's still the same of gameplay as the Brotherhood game, but you still get to do some fun things. Despite not getting more story of Altair's life as an Assassin I thought it was cool to get a backstory of how Desmond past storyline but with a much complexity walkthrough. A side from not a whole lot to explain I guess where going to make this short and sweet.
Desmond Miles now in a induce coma must find a way to the linked memories between Ezio's final days as an Assassin and him finding clues to Altair's past and what he left behind.
In all honesty there's really not a whole lot to talk about the final installment to the Ezio trilogy other than, it a unique and enjoyable conclusion to the most popular Assassin throughout the Assassin's Creed series moreover I also love the fact that throughout the story that he keeps talking about living a life outside of the Creed and being more mature about the lives he tries not to bring in to his struggle, although we have very short missions with Altair I do wish we had more storylines of his continuation after the first Assassin's Creed because I still hold to him as a fascinating character and I kind of wanted to know more about what he did after the first game more of his adventures with the love of his life and well just more continuations of Altair in all truthfulness. A side from the gameplay it’s not a whole lot to say still is fun and exciting just like the Brotherhood game, I do love the fact that they have ziplines throughout the city of Constantinople and you must kill the enemies who are tearing them down which is nice but at least you don't have to worry about riding your horse into tiny space streets that's for sure. The one side mission I did take some time to play was Desmond's journey and it’s a strange puzzle game where you have to journey through the course of different dream like coma's kind of like a first person Inception, and through that time you get to understand why Desmond left and all of the events that happened that lead to him being captured in the first Assassin's Creed game and I like the fact that we get to take some good time in understanding why he did what he did. Now that I got a new PlayStation, I now can finish this review, and a side from nothing new, it was still a great story and final chapter in the Ezio journey of how a man now making peace with himself in the end of a long journey.