Friday, March 5, 2021



                    Having a hard time looking for a movie to watch don't want to watch another film noir type movie, don't want to reveal my March recommendation yet. So, looking through my Blu-Ray collection I try to find movies I haven't seen in quite a long time and then as luck turned out the winner in that search was no other than the movie Locke. And the best way to describe Locke is this, think of it as a one-man theatre but with the supporting cast of characters as phone calls while going on a journey in which there is no turning back. Starting the ever-talented Tom Hardy whose shows he can do everything especially when it comes to driving in a car all night moreover talking to himself.
                    Ivan Locke's (Tom Hardy) life unravels after he leaves a construction site at a critical time and drives to London to be present for the birth of a child conceived after a one-night stand.
                    First time watching the movie I wasn't at all sure what to think about it but now watching it again I have to say that this was a well-crafted way to make a movie, if your ever trying to make a movie on a tight nit budget this would be a movie to watch for inspiration. It makes sense of the fact that the film is written and directed by a man like Steven Knight whose most famous for creating Peaky Blinders and the British version of Who Wants to be a Millionaire, which really should be called Who Wants to Half Ass on the last two questions of a Millionaire Show but that title is way too long. Knight does a really good job in thinking more of a playwright and directing the film if it was his own personal one act play with only one person to carry the film, with a rare amount of actors in support of the one actor in the center of the story. It was a wise choice to acquire Tom Hardy in the solo role, he is without a doubt the most talented actor I've ever seen in movies, and I don't care what people think he was awesome as Bane in the Dark Knight Rises so SUCK IT. Speaking of superhero's Tom Holland aka Spider-Man makes a voice appearance in this movie as well I mean sure this film was made in 2013 but when I found out I was like WHAT? No way sees that right there is getting a start on good work. Now I know hands down that this isn't a movie for everyone, I can honestly tell that I wouldn't be able to recommend this film to anyone of my friends or family but if your wanting to get into film with the grasp of wanting to direct or write movie's for a living then I would highly recommend this film for inspiration, as a way of trying to find a story in your mind of making it work for budgetary reasons. 

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