Monday, October 26, 2020

October Recommendation: The Clovehitch Killer



                         Since where in the month of Halloween season I thought I would recommend a scary movie of my own. And no, we're not going back to some of the classics nor some of the weird scary/sequel's you call scary I'm talking about movies that give you the chills and gives you nightmares just thinking about. Now reluctantly I had two movies I was thinking about recommending but since this great chilling movie hasn't been notices by anyone, I think it's about time to fix that and recommend this great chilling movie about a perfect family who’s maybe harvesting some dark secrets. And that film my friend is The Clovehitch Killer, though granted I had to re-watch to make sure this would be suitable for a Halloween movie month and I got to say I had chills throughout this entire movie, furthermore if you loved the making of a murderer series that's on Netflix than you will defiantly love this movie. Also the poster speaks for itself I mean if you’re not terrified to have a psychopathic killer coming into your house I don't know what does well for me it's renting a crappy motel room for the night and then realizing it maybe a guy with mommy issues but hey we all got to be terrified of something, though I assure you once you watch this film it will terrify you too.
                        Centered around a pitch perfect/religious family, Tyler (Charlie Plummer) begins to suspect that his Dad (Dylan McDermott) was responsible for the murders of 13 women and young girls, after finding some disturbing images of BDSM locked in his father’s storage room. With the help of a trusted friend Kassi (Madisen Beaty), they begin to take steps into seeing the truth of Tyler's Dad is truly the Clovehitch Killer. Though the question becomes clear, if the truth becomes light what will happen to Tyler's family? 
                        I always try to view the Horror movie genre as what scares us the most. For example I always viewed the Alien from the Alien movie franchise as the scariest movie monster mainly because the fact that there's a creature out in the universe that can harvest from any human and continue to infect in an entire planet, furthermore having a facehugger force some kind of disease inside of huge and that's how the Alien grows from within your body, I mean the fact that something can inflect a disease like that inside you that to me alone is scary. Last one Psycho, what scares me to this day is wanting to stay at a shitty motel then come to realize that there could possibly be killer with mommy issues, though granted I doubt there's any of that kind but staying at a crappy motel with that possible feeling see that would be terrifying. So, with this film if I found one of my family members was a psycho killer I would truly be terrified especially when I begin feel disturbed that it's actually true. And that's what this film does best is that it captures that horror of what happens when you find something, you’re not supposed to see furthermore how with that affect your family. Now, I honestly don't know a whole lot of Dylan McDermott moreover his career but I do know that he does a fantastic job playing this down to earth Dad, but carries some deep and disturbing secrets but continues to fool the audience into believing he's not the killer when in doubt he really is, and see that's probably another thing I love about the movie is that it just through us a Clayton Kershaw curveball out of know where in believing that main suspect is not the killer when he clearly is the killer especially when you leave him all by himself so I got to give props for that slit twist by the filmmakers and also McDermott's performance in deceiving the audience through the course of second act of the movie. Charlie Plummer does a great job as well playing the son who feels that his own father is the Clovehitch Killer but doesn't want to believe it at all, though with this superstition needs to tell someone but no one will listen to him nor want to believe him, and I personally love his portrayal of a young kid whose raise a true Christian but is terrified that his own father whom he looked up to his whole life, might be a deranged killer but is reluctantly seeking the help of a girl he doesn't know but begins to trust. I don't have a whole lot of gripes or performances I find unbelievable but I do have one in a sense and that's honestly the actor who played Plummer's friend I mean sure, I get it we in movies like this we have to have a character that's so religious he's either not been out of the house his whole life or refusing to come out of the closet and granted I kind of think it's funny when he shares a scene but then he gets to the point of annoying I kind of wish we at least see Plummer's character beat him on in one of the scenes furthermore I kind of wished that the fight would at least be Michael and Dwight fighting in the season two of the Office where at the end Michael forces to spit in Dwight's mouth, but I guess you can't always get what you want in life god forbid. Alright, I know every Horror junkie has their favorites where it's either a classic monster movie or a sick deranged person whose enjoys all of Eli Roth's movies or someone who loves all the bad horrible slasher movie sequels. But if you really love the horror movie genre where you want to be scared then I would highly recommend watching the Clovehitch Killer, because this will give you nightmare for years to come and you'll appreciate the film from start to finish. Moreover since where still living in this stupid year where the dumb morons are running the world you might as well treat yourself with a scary movie for Halloween and if you have kids just take them on a long trick or treating walk so they become sleepy and want to go home then you can watch this great horror movie. Problem solved ladies and gentlemen.

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