Wednesday, June 3, 2020

The Eddy

                     Damien Chazelle creator of Whiplash and La La Land co-directs a limited series on Netflix that I really suggest staying away from. But if you’re in need of a binge watch I would highly suggest folding your laundry or sort out your football or baseball card collection. And yes sure I would think people are saying right now that Damien Chazelle can do know wrong when it comes with a series about Jazz music set in Paris but to be honest it's more about the slowness of the show that I'm not particularly fond of, especially when you really don't like the main protagonist as well. but well get to him for sure. But I need to get started and warn all of you why this is a show you should not watch during this pandemic unless you want to die of boredom.
                    Basically the series is set in Paris where it's set in a Jazz club called the Eddy, The owner of the Club is also the creator of the band that sings every night. Though things start to get interesting, when his best friend and co-owner of the club, is in some dangerous water's with the mafia. Though the course of the show consists of a ton of drama though not the best kind plus as we all know in Paris finding love in the not so right but wrong places as well.
                    Now sure the music was great to listen and all, but it's really the characters and the storytelling that I personally have a hard time taking serious. So lets talk about the character's because their the main reason why I don't like about the show, and it's not that their unoriginal but it more that they are all pieces of shit, moreover if your going to give me a series to watch you should at least get me to like them give them a personality that I can look at and say these guys are really fun to watch, but no for one the main character is such in a-hole that I just have a hard time liking and has a lot to do with him not seeking help from everybody pushing everyone aside through the course of seven episodes. Yeah that's right all he does is being a super d*ck through the course of it all and it only takes him till the seventh episode to realize how terrible of a person he is, and I'm sorry but you have to give me at least two to three episodes max to at least like the guy don't take up the whole series to show me how big of a d*ck he can become, then I just loose interest and don't ever want to watch it but granted now that I finished this waste of time I don't ever want to watch this show ever again. Oh I almost forgot about him criticizing his own band for being awful though he can't play because he's has a so called tragic back-story about his own son, now I can understand that in a way, but if your being a d*ck to me than I'm going to be a d*ck right back and tell you to get your a** up there play if your so good. Even the love interest bothers me because she either loves the guy then she hates him, she loves the guy then she hates him, then she decides to leave him which I was hoping she was going to leave, but no she decides to stay and love him, for which I was like aw come on he's never going to change. Though the only character that's developed more and becomes human is the daughter and she gets her sh*t together till at least the third episode, so really all the other characters suck except for her, now I know people have problems I get it but you don't waste my time to watch them become children throughout the entire show moreover a pain in my own a** and I don't even have one. The storytelling is also lame because its in hour long episodes each and I have to hear them be children, like again you have to give some witty dialogue or some interesting characters that I can use otherwise I get bored out of my mind with characters that have problems and I as a viewer don't want to hear peoples problems cause I already have problems of my own that I got do deal with, even the ending was just terrible because it leaves with a bleak ending of us viewers not knowing what happens next and I'm sorry but that's not enough for me if your going to give me a series that bore's me to death I should at least have some closure in the end. I guess all and all when you win an Oscar, you can half a** when it comes to upcoming projects that's basically when it comes to celebrities in Hollywood so thanks America. So listen if your into La La Land or Whiplash I would suggest staying away from this latest creation because you'll be bored out of your own mind like I was.

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