Friday, January 26, 2024

January Recommendation: 2nd Chance


                                      Well, I know we're not close to the Election of Grandpa's but for this first monthly recommendation of 2024, I figured I recommend something that I've heard via Red Letter Media. Though through the course of watching this documentary I began to see a different level behind this American Legend. 2nd Chance tells the story of one man who creates the first modernized Kevlar vest, who’s both a businessman a show man and a filmmaker whose films are popular to many police officers.
                                      Richard Davis started off as a pizza delivery man who had a tragic event that caused him to invent the very first bullet proof vest for which he's made millions of dollars off this unique style of promoting his product like literally shooting himself 192 times. But like every story of American inventors there's always that downfall and he really share the ups and down but really redeems himself through the course of his mistakes. 
                                       Now I've had troubles thinking about how to tell the story of second chance inventor Richard Davis, and to be truthful, his story is really one of the greatest American stories ever told, he's basically every one of us whether you're Republican, Democratic, Liberal or Conservative, hell even a Bostonian fan or a Cubs fan, we're basically this guy inside of us and you can deny it all you'd like but when you watch this great documentary you'll begin to see this guy is really us. And really after watching Red Letter Media I've thought that they may have made up his story because they thought John Williams (movie composer) was in a terrible movie in 2002. But having watched some stuff on YouTube about Richard Davis I began to understand that this guy’s story is really the real deal, especially shooting himself to let his investors know his product is the real deal, I mean this guy has the biggest balls out there to even attempt it. Really, the crazy thing is that the soft body armor has never been invented from the forties and fifties which is crazy because with the events of World War II and the Korean War we would have had more lives saved so, Davis really was a man who knew this concept needed to be developed. Though yeah Davis had some massive ups and downs in his life like having to deal with father who had PTSD from the second world war, and he even continued to shoot his son numerous times while wearing his Kevlar vest, but deep down I begin to respect Richard Davis even more when he reinvented his company and begin to have a great and strong relationship with is son. Watching 2nd Chance was defiantly one of those Documentary films that I never expected from start to finish it has that unique and great and shocking ending that just leaves you shocked and awed in between scenes that can make laugh a little bit but also realize oh wow this guy really did that, better American story than Jordan Belfort aka Wolf of Wall Street. Like I said this man is basically every one of us even if you’re a Republican or Democratic or even a Hippie who doesn't believe in violence like Bill Walton. So, with if you're feeling the crave for a great American story of growing up nothing to a truce successor in the end, 2nd Chance is defiantly one of those Documentary's worth the watch, and if I had to give an award of the most interesting man on the planet Richard Davis would most certainly be given that award.


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