Saturday, May 28, 2022

I Know and Still Know What You Did Last Summer


                            If you ever wanted to take a trip down 90's memory lane, we’ll have I got just the movies for you. In all honesty I can't go into details as to why, I decided to watch these two movies but to be truthful it's kind of hilarious re-watching these movies and know just how awful they are at that same time. So, the title of this review is I know and still know what you did last summer, because I don't feel like wanting to do separate reviews and talk about each topic so I'm going to squeeze both movies together to save much of my sanity. As far as I can remember I believe it was the second film that I was introduced too and I knew that I wouldn't watch these films but as fate would have it, or a strange way of fate I picked up the book to I Know What you did Last Summer and then my Mom allowed me to watch it, but then as time went on the film itself really got lost in the mix until now, for which I have so many questions in terms of choices and why they would make these choices for the movie, despite the fact that this film was already made.
                            To sum up the movies is basically this, the first film a group of friend’s sorts of kill someone and to avoid going to the police they decide to get rid of the body, but for some bizarre reasons the guy wasn't dead but instead of not going to the police and tell them that a group of kids ran him over, thought that he was dead then decided to put me in the water. He decides to haunt them and stalk them I guess till he picked the right time to kill them, for which really, I don't get it either but unfortunately the second film doesn't really add up either because they won a trip to the ruff parts of the Bahamas and the same lunacy repeats itself. 
                            In fairness these movies were created at the time of Scream's success of the teen slasher genre, unfortunately it really didn't capture the success of what Scream had they honesty just try to make a teen slasher film that really doesn't make sense on its own. The only difference these two movies have is that the first film you can see the potential in trying to fix this film despite it being made and turning it into a good movie while the second movie I don't know why they needed to make a sequel. I think the main problem of what I have with the first movie is that, the four kids kill the guy who would soon to be the killer that stalks him, but what doesn't make sense to me is why he couldn't just go to the police after being dumped in the shore side of the ocean and report to the police and say that these four kids ran me over, thought that I was dead then proceeded to throw me in the shore side of the ocean, but no he decides to stalk them furthermore make them believe that he was someone else. For which doesn't make any sense at all, I mean wouldn't it make more sense that he had a son? And when the son found out that his father died, he goes on this revenge mission and seeks out the four teens and punishes them, for which yeah at the time people who made this film were too afraid to blame teenagers but now it’s really doesn't age well. Now re-watching these two films I will have to admit that Jennifer Love Hewitt was still gorgeous in these movies and sure she was kind of representing a Neve Campbell look alike but what she always was the girl next door for me in ways I can't explain. When you make a scary movie like spoof the worst thing you can do is try to make the dialogue and scares be funny, what makes films like I know what you did last summer great is that its deliberately trying to be scary, and the best way I can explain why these two films are a guilty pleasure is to present a top five reasons why. The first of course was storyline as we already pointed out in the first film, but when we get to like the second film they get this bizarre prank call for which we in a sense don't know at that time but we can tell just because they got the answer wrong furthermore won a trip to the Bahamas, for which I can understand that maybe in the late 90's you can make prank calls mainly because the answering machine maybe, well yeah they were invented but I guess Brandy and Jenny couldn't afford one, either way I'm still wondering how the killer could get the tickets for them, but in the end who knows. The acting is well meh, but really the stand out actors when it comes to playing douche bags is both Ryan Phillipe and well actually Ryan Phillipe was actually the best actor to play a douche bag in the first movie sure I could comment Mekhi Phifer as well but it’s nothing compared to Phillipe playing a huge douche in the late 90's I mean that man was every 90's douche that you can't stomach nor cared if he lived or died and really after watching the first film I couldn't stop laughing at how desperate he was trying to act as playing so schmuck-ish. I was surprised with some actors in each of the movies especially Johnny Galecki aka Dr. Leonard Hofstadter (I'll let you do the math) for which I was a little on the surprised side because I didn't expect him to be in this movie, in fairness because he was so famous for that one role you just forget his past work that he did. The other actor I had in OMG face brewing, and this was the second film, and that certain actor was Jack Black who posed as a pot smoker with a Jamaican hair wig that looked so horrible even, I couldn't stop laughing at. The third thing in what makes these films so laughable is the jump scares and honestly I don't know if they were trying to be scary or being funny because some of these jump scares are like the killer is obviously trying to mess with his victims by making them think their crazy, is really on the one percent scale of not so scary at all to then being so confused of how he cleans up the mess in such a hurry, and most importantly I strongly doubt a fisherman's hook can cut through locks of hair, sorry not sorry I just can't believe that to ever happen especially in this decade, I should also point out that a killer walking while chasing their victims is defiantly not in the realm of scary, sure it was fine in the 1978 Halloween movie but this is the late 90's lets kick it up a notch, for f**k's sake Wes Craven's ghost face killer was always running into something and we can believe that to be scary because how else are you going to avoid a psycho killer. Now we can talk about logic but I'm starting to have my brain feel like a fried egg, so I'm going to quickly explain it in the best way possible, and for starters let’s start it off with the killer in the movie at the time I would say that yeah, a guy dressed up in fisherman's rain gear with a hook for a murder weapon would be a little on the scary side almost like the ghost face killer where it's not in a sense scary but once he starts running after you yeah that's horrifying, but the fact that the killer looks like an angry New York Islanders fan (look up retro Islanders logo) just seems a bit on the I wouldn't be so scared but if he attacked me I'd grab the pump shotgun and blow him away till there's not ammo type scared. Also I just don't see anything intimidating with a captain hook for a weapon especially when your cutting someone's hair just to for scares, even when Hewitt discovers a bodies and then seconds later after she leaves their not there moreover the spot is very clean, almost causes my brain to melt because really if I'm a killer and leaving body's around to scare people and then having the limited time to clean all of that shit up before coming back I just can't wrap around that concept, hell I would of have to be close by and then open the trunk get all of that s**t out moreover leave it niece and clean uh, that's just way to much work. And finally the reveal of both the killer and his son kind of bothers me because really and keep in mind that we talked about this earlier but I really find it odd that the villain of the whole movie was a man that indeed got ran over by the kids, who was yes banged up in terms of injuries then gets dumped near the shore lines of the ocean but yet mysteriously gets out, BUT DOESN'T GO TO THE HOSPITAL AND GET TREATMENT FOR HIS INJURIES THEN PROCEEDS TO CALL THE POLICE ABOUT THE FOUR KIDS? NOW PLEASE SOMEONE STOP ME FROM ESPLAINING THIS EVEN FURTHER BECAUSE NOW I'M FEELING LIKE I'M TAKING CRAZY PILLS. And I'm not going to any further details about his kid because just thinking about it is hurting my brain so will just leave it at that. In a strong sense we can see the potential of the first I know what you did last summer movie to be a good success if you just change some minor details it can be better even though it's already been made, the sequel not so much because I really don't know how the producers were able to look at this and think that this was passible hell, I would look at the script and say "Didn't we say all we needed to say about I know what you did last summer? Must we make a sequel?" I sometimes feel like movie producers are like wall street brokers sure one steals money and ruin lives, while the other makes movies and dreams become reality, but deep down I feel like they're both on drugs in order to make these kinds of movies happen. Yes these movies are a train wreck but they’re a good train wreck and I would defiantly recommend it for s**t's and giggles although I would hold off on buying these movie and say if it’s on a streaming service and its free I would watch them, also I believe the two movies are about to leave by the end of this month on Netflix so, yeah just wait, just wait it's truly not a huge rush.   

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