Friday, May 6, 2022

10 year Anniversary of Pitch Perfect


                                While researching films that came out in the year 2012, I began to realize that it was a better year for movies in general and there's a good list to prove it. And our first 10-year Anniversary film is, surprisingly one of the few movies that my sister got me into watching and I actually do thank her for that, but I'm not going to tell her that in person, for many reasons she did force me to watch Twilight in the theaters. I will say after watching this great musical comedy, Pitch Perfect still stands the test of time moreover is you want to know what the statistics are when it comes to making a great female ensemble cast this is one of first of many great examples in what makes a hilarious fun ride. Also, now granted people are going to take offense to this but I would also rank this as one of the top five best musicals.
                               College student Beca (Anna Kendrick) knows she does not want to be part of a clique, but that's where she finds herself after arriving at her new school. Thrust in among mean gals, nice gals, and just plain weird gals, Beca finds that only thing they have in common is how well they sing together. She takes the women of the group out of their comfort zone of traditional arrangements and into a world of harmonic combinations in a fight to the top of college music coemptions.
                              I would say in all female lead comedies is there sometimes predictable and you can tell where the joke is going at times and they seem less funny, or the actress claim to be funny but when you watch their movies, they honestly don't bring their A game at all. But with this movie and what still makes it great is that there were a lot of things that I never expected to have when it comes to a comedy like this, such as the ridiculous side characters to some of the best one liner and all of that combined it makes it so funny, you can't stop laughing for unexpected reasons. I give a small shout out to Anna Kendrick who does a great job playing a girl who’s always the typical shut out who doesn't get involved with society but in the end turns out to be loving the whole world of Acapella, also I completely forgot how cute she is in the movie too, for which I'm a dude so sue me. Now granted there's a lot of side characters that are amazing in the movie such as Adam DeVine who’s amazing playing a sort of Acapella bro type character for which also has a great scene with Rebel Wilson who I admit steals the entire movie and personally I believe is the reasons why this movie still stands the test of time. Britany Snow, whom I've heard from John Tucker must Die though granted haven't seen I also thought did a great job playing a friend and believer to Kendrick's character for which also does great comedic work when it comes to the two combined. I will say that this hands down is one of the best musicals I've seen and there's really not a whole lot that still stands the test of time but this one is a great comedy from start to finish and in all honesty if your trying to look for movie statistics on what makes a great female lead this film alone is a great example of that, from the great characters and the ridiculous jokes that are still funny especially after ten years of existence. So, please do yourselves a favor and check this great movie out. 

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