Sunday, May 15, 2022

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness


                             Well believe it ladies and gentlemen the impossible has happened, I'm officially bored of Superhero films. And after watching one of the Phase Four of the MCU films it just confirmed everything I feel when it comes to everything, I know of Superhero films now, and this is gapping the films from after Avengers: Endgame to the present. To be brutally honest it’s kind of ironic how the sequel to Doctor Strange is entitled Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, where my Multiverse of Madness is watching every predictable movie with its clichés then hearing everyone in the whole world complain about the politics running this country even though it’s really the social media that's being responsible for everyone's stupidity. Now if you don't get that whole concept, KILL YOURSELF. So, let’s get right into Doctor Strange. 
                            Dr. Steven Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) casts a forbidden spell that opens a portal to the Multiverse. However, a threat emerges that maybe too for his allies to handle.
                            I can admit that yeah after Avengers Endgame, I wasn't all interested with any of upcoming MCU after Endgame but to be honest I didn't realize how insanely bad it was going to be while after seeing the first two episodes of WandaVision then I slowly began to realize that I now, am officially bored of watching Superhero films. For many reasons why, is basically when you see one great superhero film you've seen them all and to be truthful there really aren't any of the remaining Avenger's that I cared for over the years’ worth caring for. Though yeah there was a recent Black Widow movie with Scar Jo and Jeromy Renner had his own Hawkeye series but, in all honesty, I wasn't all interested with the latest Black Widow movie mainly because she died and this was set after the events of Civil War so it had nothing to do with anything and Hawkeye well, I'm just going to say that I'm lazy and there's so much to watch on TV.  Now granted I do like Benedict Cumberbatch as Doctor Strange and as always he does a great job playing the Sorcerer/Martial Arts Master and to be brutally honest the actors in the film really have nothing to do with it being insanely boring and stupid at the same time, it's really the writer Michael Waldron and director Sam Rami who are responsible for making this film so obnoxiously bad, and will start off with Waldron whom I've never heard of until I looked him up and saw the he created the Marvel Show Loki (convenient) but he also written an episode from Rick and Morty, for which now after hearing this I would think this guy should of stayed a bit longer on Rick and Morty to hone his craft a bit more because what he just written for this sequel to Doctor Strange Multiverse adventures wasn't all impressive and obviously this was written but also looked over the shoulder by high powered producers so we can also put that in as a reason for the film's badness but furthermore you can introduce characters and surprised guest stars in the movie (for which I'm going to spoil it, John Krasinski is Mr. Fantastic and Patrick Stewart reprise's his role as Professor X, AGAIN) but I still wouldn't care so much for them because I was never interested with them to begin with, also having Patrick Stewart reappearing as Charles Xavier is bad/lazy writing. And here's one of the many reasons why Marvel is just unoriginal when it comes to creating their own universe because DC Comics who has Infinite Earths in their world, so did the publishers at Marvel when they heard about that, was like well shit we need to create our universe too, which explains a lot if that's the case because I'm reaching the conclusion that Marvel just likes being lazy when it comes to creating superhero's. In all honesty, I don't think Sam Rami did anything new with the movie either though he claims he used a lot of horror elements with the film but I'm sorry I can see the jump scares come a mile away and they weren't even scary it's like trying to scare me with Evil Dead effects, and let’s not forget that this was the same guy who directed two really good Spider-Man films but then half assed the final installment so, deep down the man really lost his way when it comes to making a good quality superhero film. Deep down I would say honestly that all my years of training have led to this breaking point of finally getting sick of anything Superhero-ish, because there all the same nothing's new and exciting anymore furthermore it just gets way to predictable when you've seen so many Superhero films you begin to realize that not even the studios are trying anything new anymore. But, in truth if your kids are still into the Marvel Cinematic Universe don't stop them from going but as a grown man's perspective, I have to say I'm officially tired of all things Superhero. 

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