Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Doing Some Good for Humanity

              As the Terminator would say I'M BACK. That's right you all thought I faked my own death but guess what I came out of retirement and I'm ready to take on this decade with a bang. Only there's going to be some dramatic changes going on with this blog that I'm updating so don't overreact to much, so I've decided to retire from being a sort of real life movie critic meaning I have stopped going to a certain movies that have recently have come out as of late though yes there may be some movies I might check out but not all of them.  And at least trying to do some good for humanity what really means his I am going to continue to recommend some great movies I've seen in my recent exile each of the month. Though why some of these changes well it's a good thing why I'm going to tell you right now.
              Mainly I'm not going to so many movies that are in the theaters is because I got so miserable through the course of the years and slowly began to see that majority of these films I've watch I just didn't like them for numerous reasons and the ones I know were going to suck I just didn't want to watch it at all. I mean holy crap they just came out with a Cat's movie based solely on Andrew Lloyd
Webbers musical. Now if you are a smart human being and seeing that trailer for the first time and the back of your mind is say this movie sucks. YOU LISTEN TO THAT CONSCIOUS. Even look at Disney for example I mean don't get me wrong I thought The Mandalorian was the greatest television show ever created but that's the only compliment you'll ever hear me say to Disney, a side from reliving my childhood with Gargoyles and The Mighty Ducks cartoon also Star Wars 1-6, so that's all of the compliment I can say for Disney +. Now not give Disney so much crap but even some of the live action remakes to the animated classics are not becoming pointless as well. Like, I think it's pointless for a human to take their own kid to see a Disney movie that was based on an animated original classic along with the waste of a freshly made twenty dollar bill when they can just stream the original movie online. Yes, Cinderella was great to see turn live because Lilly James did a great job, but then it wasn't funny with movies like Aladdin and The Lion King come out then the joke becomes less funny to begin with. Now yes I may be shoving a lot of dirt at Disney like Lou Piniella does to an umpire, but a lot of movie studios and celebrities are become too evil with their own money such as Steven Speilberg directing a Oscar winning classic West Side Story. Yeah, so I hope in the near future I remake Schindler's List just to despite him.
              Now with this new decade, what I'm planning to do as always is recommend some movies that you can always see on both any live stream or some movies I believe to be worth seeing and hoped that all of you in the end will like them too. And also if I'm lucky I hope all talk about movies I didn't like at all and that everyone else loved for odd reason's and hopefully help you see some of the movies in a different light. And to put in plainly as to why I'm doing this is because I don't want to feel miserable anymore because let me tell you that yes being a movie critic can be a great and fun job to have but it will suck so hard once you cringe through all the terrible movies that come out every week. Now believe me when I say this it's not fun to be a movie critic trust neither me nor even a real one to be honest. So in the immortal words of our President Donald Trump "Let's make this Decade" great again. Peace out.   

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