Thursday, January 30, 2020


                          All those poets and all those people in politics who thought of war, as such a dreadful site to be seen. Yeah, they never set foot on No Man's Land. Long have I waited for Hollywood to make a movie about World War I. And now I can finally say that it was worth the wait. Now before I continue, I should let you all know that if you want to watch any of the other Best Picture nominations DON'T. Well I'll make an exception for Ford v Ferrari but any of the other Oscar nominations, skip them because this is the film that I declare to win best picture at the Oscars. And if that doesn't happen, well my rage has no bounds so I'll let you all do the math. Okay so directed by Sam Mendes along with the collaboration of cinematographer Roger Deakons (famous for films like Fargo, The Shawshank Redemption and Skyfall), brings a war movie unlike any other furthermore a film where I will never look at WWI the wrong way. I'm going on record and saying that this was one of the greatest things I've ever seen this whole year.
                          Lance Corporals William Schofield and Tom Blake (George Mackay, Dean-Charles Chapman) are tasked with a life and death mission to deliver a message to the 2nd battalion who are about to drive back the German, not knowing that they're walking into a trap. Among them is Blake's older brother. They both realize that this journey will determine who has the courage and the will to survive.
                          Now after seeing some footage and watching some behind the scenes I personally knew that this was going to be worth seeing, though I just didn't realize how amazing this film was moreover the greatest thing I've ever seen in the movie theater. And a lot of people don't really know how terrible WWI was they were always watching movies and doc's on how terrible World War II was but they never understood the monstrosity that happen in the Great War, and both Mendes and Deakons does a fantastic job bringing that experience to life. A side from the film reminding me a lot of greatness of the Hurt Locker and Birdman, but to be truly honest I don't care, because this film alone restores my faith in movies although I'm still making a note in not over doing it. The fact that Mendes made this film all in one shot, is truly smart thinking on his part, hell even I couldn't spot any of the cuts because I was too busy caring about the two characters that go through hell just to deliver a message. After watching this film yesterday I still can't get over the experience of even having to travel through the war zone just to deliver messages to another division knowing that if you failed it would be a tremendous lost for your fellow brothers. Roger Deakons needs to be acknowledge for his part in this movie because looking at this film on screen is like watching a movie portrait, even my favorite shot is the one of the main characters looking into the burning church and then another solder comes into frame and both are staring at each other until the opposite solder begins to run and shoot at one of the main characters, because that shot alone explains the horrors of World War I in that the only way that war was ever going to end, would be the last man standing. I going to great lengths and say that this was one of the greatest movie experiences I've ever had the chance to witness, moreover putting my foot down that if this movie doesn't win Best Picture than I will come down on Hollywood like the blades of chaos, THE WHIRLING SWORDS OF MY VENGEANCE WILL ECHO THROUGH ALL OF MEDIA LIKE THE GUST OF A THOUSAND EARTHQUAKES. In closing if you haven't seen this great film yet I would use your paycheck and check this film out in the theaters because you'll never have an experience like that in a million years, believe me after seeing this I don't think I can go to the theater anymore, not with all of the upcoming movies that are coming out.

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