Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)


                                         This Halloween themed movie is another one of those films that I myself want to expand my horizons and find those certain movies I haven't touched, turns out both Invasion of the Body Snatchers are another one of those films that I have not seen and my brother selected the 1978 version of the film, and I haven't seen any of the original movie or 78 version so you have to start somewhere and might as well start out a Phillip Kaufman movie that is somewhat of a letdown in all aspects of a movie about aliens taking over your own body. The film stars Donald Sutherland, Lenard Nimoy and Jeff Goldblum in a role for which I can describe as that person whose the absolute worst and sucks the fun out of life. After watching the movie, I will say that I have officially acquired a Jeff Goldblum accent so now I can go out and help sell apartments to people in a definite fraud way possible.
                                          Matthew Bennell (Donald Sutherland) assumes that when a friend (Brooke Adams) complains of her husband's strange mood, it's a marital issue. However, he begins to worry as more people report similar observations. His concern is confirmed when writer Jack Bellicec (Jeff Goldblum) and his wife (Veronica Cartwright) discover a mutated corpse. Besieged by an invisible enemy, Bennell must work quickly before the city is consumed.
                                          Now, I've heard about these movies in a strange sense I picked up the alien duplication idea and rules from watching an episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000 and they do whole segments of pod aliens taking over human beings. And just to let everyone know I still haven't seen the original movie so watching this movie was something new but also a big letdown in terms of this film being one of the greatest horror movies of all time. And to be fair I know what happens at the end judging by the many gifs I've seen on social media, but I never watched the whole movie, and this was the first time I slowly began to realize how boring and not so impressed in how the movie turned out. This was the first Phillip Kaufman movie I witnessed and a lot of people don't know is that he actually helped with George Lucas in developing the story for Raiders of the Lost Ark although Lucas developed Indiana Jones it was Kaufman who came up with pursuing the Ark of the Covenant and after watching this movie I will state that the man gets a quarter credit of Indiana Jones like about 25 cents worth. What I find depressing about the movie is that there's a lot of unanswered questions in terms of how the aliens begin to adapt to the humans or how there able to consume in just a few days really Mr. Spock is the leader of the consumed aliens and he's perfectly adapted to human cultures and it's not even explained, even more of editing that's a bit of a blur because at the end of the movie the aliens took over earth but it's not explained as how Donald Sutherland is consumed because he trying to hide from everyone and we see a guy looking through a hole with a flashlight and we cut to Donald Sutherland going back to his normal routine and then when he stumbles upon Veronica Cartwright it's revealed he's a Pod Person for which it would me more realistic if you'd just show him being surrounded by pod people and he screams and then we cut to normal, I mean something to make the horror more real than just automatically cutting to being chased and going back to normal. What really ruined the movie for me is Jeff Goldblum's performance in the movie, and sure it's typical everyday Goldblum role but it just him being an annoying f**k and through the course of the movie I'm just telling him through the television to shut the f**k up and go back to sell apartments, hell I prefer 90's Goldblum than late seventies Goldblum. I will say the hilarious part of the movie is Donald Sutherland and his girlfriend take speed in order to stay awake and later they’re captured and forced to take sedatives which is hilarious because it reminds me of Dewy Cox where he takes pills uppers and downers, and it reminds me so much of that joke. I will say that a movie all by itself I would highly recommend staying away from this movie for a gillion reasons it's boring and lame and the cheap visual effects just turned me off of from this whole experience but then that's basically the whole nature of the beast you have to watch these movies that could or may not be a hit and hopefully it's a success but then it's not a great success just like picturing Phillip Kaufman being a cool guy and not a weird f**k in adding a human face on a dogs body and yes this film actually has a dog with a man’s face I'm not sorry for spoiling it just telling you to avoid the movie. 

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