Thursday, June 20, 2024

Father's Day Recommendation: Super Trooper's 1 & 2


                                     Many apologies for my recent delay of movie reviews, it's not at all normal to have a minor case of being overwhelmed at work as well as having a breakdown about not having a whole lot of space in your apartment and you need to get rid of a ton of crap, and have an idea to do a garage sale (garage sale to the outside of America, is selling your stuff you don't need inside your garage with the hopes people will be intrigued in buying your stuff but at times want to quick browse or a quick chat) word of advice a garage sale is a good life lesson but don't ever try it again. Back to the story, you later clean your apartment to finally find out you have space and realize you just needed to get rid of a huge file cabinet. Anyway, the point that I'm trying to make here is, when you feel like you’re running out of space in your own home, it's probably a good idea to find the one big thing you don't need and just get rid of it. So, let’s finally talk about my Father's Day Recommendation also known as my greatest movie experiment to have my own father sit down and watch all two films and absolutely love from start to finish.
                                     The best way to describe Super Troopers in a nutshell is a mixture of Reno 911 without the reality TV feel, with the secret recipe of a comedy and typical cop movie story but with a kiss of goofy shenanigans. Not the evil shenanigans, for many reasons it's just cruel and tragic.
                                      The story of my Father enjoying the Super Troopers films is a probably one of the most unsure but proud moment in my adult life. The story started a year ago on Father's Day weekend and my parents we're having their friends home for the weekend and me feeling like a third wheel I was close to going over my brother's house until I don't know if it was my Mom or her friend but they both suggested watching Super Troopers, and I'm feeling skeptical at this idea because for anyone whose seen Super Troopers would know that these movies are most certainly raunchy, and so we decided to watch the first movie and through the full ninety minutes of the movie both my Dad and his best friend and me were all laughing and I had the second movie on my phone and decided after the first movie to watch the second movie and again we were all laughing again. And really when it comes to recommending movies to my Dad it's sometimes a trial and error at times great example of that is him wanting to watch Inglorious Bastards and it's a Quentin Tarantino film I don't know if he'd be great with the blood and yet he actually loved the movie, speaking of World War II films I took my parents to see The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare and BOTH OF THEM, loved the film as well. So, really, it's interesting how my own parents can watch some of these movies and just out of know where consider them great, though I know my own mother would never watch Super Troopers movies but of any movies this was my greatest movie experiment I did on my own Dad. Now in terms of the films alone, there's really not a whole lot to say in terms of reviews I mean everyone whose seen the first Super Troopers film would know that the movie is amazing from the outstanding movie intro the great comedic duo and iconic one liners are just outstanding and it's all done by the great group of Broken Lizard, which consists Jay Chandrasekhar, Kevin Heffernan, Steve Lemme, Paul Soter and Erik Stolhanske. Moreover with the second film, granted it's basically the same concept of the first film but I personally think the film is amazing to watch again, even though it's not iconic as the first movie though it still has its moments of great humor and I got to give a lot of credit for Brian Cox to come back and be in the second film because he knows it's not going to make huge bank at the box office and I kind of respect that, for a guy whose got a great resume of movie and television acting. My dad when it comes to his term of what movie he like he always says it's dumb but really what he's saying is that he enjoys the movie and the Super Troopers films are the most entertaining films from start to finish especially the second film and really if you're dad has a great sense of humor like my father has he would most certainly enjoy these movies because let’s be honest if you are raised by a democrats or liberal family than that means you don't have a sense of humor.


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