Monday, May 8, 2023



                                     There are times I feel like that I've seen things in movies that you people wouldn't believe, like a cringe erotic Twilight film, I've seen Ryan Gosling in a movie where he had a virtual reality girlfriend though the funny thing is he had a life-sized plastic woman for a girlfriend too. Hello, I watched ten minutes of A Million Ways to die in the West before I decided to leave because I couldn't take it anymore moreover it was a Seth McFarlane movie. I even went to an Adam Sandler movie twice for which made reach the conclusion of how much that man is the Devil in disguise. But just when I thought I've seen everything when it comes to watching movies, Doomsday comes around and I seriously don't understand what this film’s purpose is. Doomsday is a movie that was directed by Neil Marshall, who directed a film I actually liked of his, sure as hell not this one if that's what your referring too, but having seen other works of his plus the conception of this movie just made me realize that this film was not just bad, but this was like watching a train wreck and a guy who has a fixation of train crashes is strangely turned on by this and that's the disturbing factor of this movie.
                                     When the first outbreak of the Reaper virus hit Scotland, Eden Sinclair was one of the last to escape containment and had to leave her mother behind. Twenty-five years later, Maj. Eden Sinclair (Rhona Mirta) leads a team back into the hot zone to find a counteragent to the virus, which has re-emerged in London. She and her comrades wage a desperate battle for survival against feral survivors, as they try to prevent it from ushering in a new dark age.
                                      Strangely enough I remember seeing the trailer for the first time when it came out didn't think much of it, because to me it looked that the end of the world apocalypse but instead of the virus turning you into zombies you are transformed into a sort of punk rocker. Either way it looks like a rip off to all movies like Underworld or Resident Evil, just about any movie that consist of leather outfits. And yet while watching the film I honestly didn't think much of it other than the fact that the whole zombie virus felt left out in this story, but again when the movie went forward I was expecting the crazy Mad Max lunatics coming it was just a matter of when, so at the same time when they ambush Rhona Mirta's crew she's taken captive along with her doctor but they decide to do this sacrificial BBQ where we see the movie poster chick with the crazy tattoo on her face and flaunting her tongue out, almost as if she looks like she could lick a lot of WAP, then after they burn the good doctor they decide to eat him up moreover gave a sample of him to Mirta's character, although I didn't peg the Mad Max people to be cannibals though I guess that was an understatement moreover the scenes where they just carve into the guy is sort of disgusting but also bewildering too. Though a side from the many references to Mad Max films, what really caused my brain to have a mental breakdown then cause a huge seizure inside my brain, was when they escaped and out of NO WHERE mid evil knights from the 12th century Scotland appeared for which I said, "oh what the f**k?" I mean that was so much to handle I had to shut the damn movie off and go to bed, though let's be honest s**t like this always causes me not to go to sleep easy, but through the course of me trying to go to sleep I had to research this movie to get some answers because 12th century knights in a post-apocalyptic movie is just beyond my understanding. And with the thanks of Wikipedia, I was able to find answers that explain why this such a f**king train wreck. You know when most directors want to make a movie as sort of a tribute to movies from the past? Great example George Lucas using past adventure/science fiction movie serials from the early 30's and 40's to create Star Wars and Indiana Jones movies, well Neil Marshall didn't just use Mad Max as an inspiration, he used past end of the world genre's from every film upon the 70's and 80's combined I'll list you off the films starting with the first three Mad Max films, Escape from New York, then Excalibur for which explains the 12th century Scottish knights. Then other films I don't understand why, firstly The Warriors all because of a Baseball gang so he had to incorporate that, Waterworld, Gladiator and Children of Men. So, now that you've understand how many films Marshall crammed into this on headache of a movie, I have to say that it's the most dumbest thing to ever do as a writer and director, I mean you can't just combine so many films you love into one movie you have to at least use at least two or three at least and sure I can see the fact that Scotland has very little in terms of cities but with more mountains combined although I could be wrong, furthermore I could see the Mad Max and Excalibur movie but as a movie whole that just doesn't seem right especially when it has nothing to do with the virus or any zombies that where hardly in the film. So, anyway by the near end of the film Mitra's character decides to expose the politics of Great Britain and decides to go back to Glasgow, Scotland where all the Mad Max cannibals are she decides to become the new leader and that's the end of the movie, which really I don't think I would ever in a million years would turn to eating people mainly because once you've seen what you've ate or looking at your dinner in the eye you just lost you sense of humanity, also I never want to see the animals I eat, for which is another reason I refuse to be a hunter although there other reasons but I don't want to go any further. Doomsday is probably up there in top five worst movies I've ever seen probably up there with Sucker Punch, Don't Worry Darling and Southland Tales including this movie, the only time I would ever want to watch this movie is probably with a group of people who haven't seen this monstrosity, now having seen this movie I wish to never ever in a million years see this movie again, because I hate this movie so much, the story's horrible moreover the gore is unnecessary disgusting, like if Eli Roth's half-brother made a movie this would be it.  

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