Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Crank 2: High Voltage


                                          Sometimes when it comes to watching movies, you just need a good jumpstart. Well, thank God I decided to sit down and watch the sequel to the dumbest but entertaining movie ever. Crank 2 High Voltage is a movie that I have absolutely no idea why we needed in the first place, moreover, been thinking about that ever since I've seen the trailer. And yet they continued to make a sequel but deep down it didn't surpass a third installment, mainly it's because the producers we're probably reading the first draft of Crank 3 and just decided to shut it down after reading the first three pages, though I'm just assuming that it might be a possibility. Though I guess some mysteries are best left unsolved.
                                          After surviving an incredible plunge to near-certain death, Chev Chelios (Jason Statham) is abducted by Chinese mobsters. Waking up three months later, Chev finds that his heart nearly indestructible heart has been replaced with a battery-operated device that requires regular jolts of electricity or it will fail. Chev escapes from his captors, reunites with his lover Eve (Amy Smart), and sets out on a frantic chase through Los Angeles to get his real heart back.
                                           I will say this about the Crank films yes there extremely dumb on so many levels moreover yes, the story and direction doesn't make sense at all but, damnit when you’re in bit of a slump of watching movies or TV shows, both Crank movies are the best way to give you a jumpstart on life. Granted I never expected these movies to be excellent, in fact I don't think that anyone should expect these films to be great. And in all honesty when it comes to having everyday life of working putting up with stupid people mostly having to put up with so much crap in your average everyday life I truly believe movies like this that are so unexpected that you'd never quite expect it just refreshes the soul that's really the best way I can describe mindless action films like Crank 2, is that whenever you feel tired or not wanting to do anything, movies like this are a good reason to watch and I'm sure a lot of people have ways to turn their own brains off, like most women crave for lame drama series or guys watch any kind of sporting event furthermore we all have those type of things that we can all turn our brains off too, and really movies like Crank and its sequel have that unexpected and hilariousness you can't stop but enjoy. Now with this movie, I will not lie that this movie has some unexpected moments that even I couldn't believe moreover I learned my lesson from the first movie was to just sit down and watch the whole movie through, but deep down this movie wasn't up to par with this original mainly because this is just a same situation Chev is in with a different agenda to survive on, basically the same movie but with a new upgrade towards the insanity that he goes on, for which when I watched the trailer to High Voltage I wasn't quite sure on why they would want another movie because you can't be better than your predecessor, you just can't. Though in the end the movie is what it is along with some crazy moments for which still makes it fun and great to watch because it's unintentionally funny and that's basically what these Crank movies are about, moreover doubt they were ever trying to take themselves serious so deep down when you watch There will be Blood you're more interested in Daniel Day Lewis beating up Paul Dano then watching the movie for the first time, until you watch it again and understand it. As a movie in a nutshell, it's still amazing and crazy to watch at the same time, both movies combined. So, if you’re into bat-s**t crazy movies like Crank and High Voltage I would highly recommend watching them, though I would take your time and just watch one each, and don't forget this does have fake fire so if you’re not into lame fake fire I don't know what makes you entertained.

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