Tuesday, July 19, 2022

The Boys


                         Just finished wrapping up my viewing of The Boys, season 3. Although feel a little bit sad I feel the time is now that I go ahead and talk about what I like to call, is the G.O.A.T of all things Superhero TV shows. The Boys is what I like to call a breath of fresh air sometimes, it's really one of those shows where you just feel sick and tired of the same thing from the MCU, feeling more frustrated of how Warner Bros. is not making a great Superman movie nor getting their s**t together. Well, The Boys is that show were it just brings out so much dark comedy that you want with a lot and well boat loads of WTF moments that makes Ridley Scott wave the white flag and say enough is enough. So, hope you had a nice meal and finished your session with your therapist, let’s talk about The Boys.
                       Superheroes are often popular celebrities, as influential as politicians, and sometimes even as revered as gods. But that's when they're using their powers for good. What happens when the heroes go rogue and start abusing their powers? When it's the powerless against the super powerful, the Boys head out on a heroic quest to expose the truth about the Seven and Vought, the multibillion-dollar conglomerate that manages the superheroes and covers up their dirty secrets. 
                        On a quick note, the series is based on an actual comic co-created by Garth Enns (who written a great Punisher series, as well as created The Preacher comic) and Darick Robertson, now how they were able to convince publisher's to bring this great masterpiece to life, who knows all I can say is I read a good chunk of the series and it's great a read while it's amazing to watch on Amazon Prime. To be honest we as a generation always have that one piece of comic that really exploits the era or decade, we're living in the 80's they had Batman: The Dark Knight Returns and the Killing Joke as well as Watchmen and 90's there was Batman: Knightfall and the Death of Superman and well the 2000's we have this great piece of work, and sure enough the show finally gets developed. Although yeah Dark Knight Returns and Watchmen are great literature but really the difference, is that this is more of a corporate consuming along with the Superheroes having more of an egotistical problem who really don't care about the people they save just caring about the public image they sell. And really, that's what makes both the comic and TV show so fascinating to endure because this is exactly what you really want to have when it comes to watching Superheroes as well as reading the comic because we now live in a world where corporations are now the big man on campus, and they really control the government. Okay, so now let's get on with the Show, in all honesty I really don't know how I decided to sit down and first watch the show, I think it was one of those things where me and my brother and I think my brother said that Karl Urban aka Pathfinder is staring in this bizarre superhero show and that was enough to sell me in terms of pitching a show for me to binge watch. I don't think we can talk about the greatness of the show without talking about Karl Urban and Anthony Starr who really are the main protagonist and antagonist of the show and the co-stars that help them become what they are. They’re a lot of films I recognize Karl Urban and in truth he's always played the co-star to every film moreover was just the side character, this is defiantly the first TV show where he's the star of the show where he shines and hogs the spotlight and tells his co-stars to piss off, because no matter if he's in the scene or not in the scene he still is awesome as Billy Butcher and to be honest if it were me I'd give him an award for scene stealing. Though yeah, I would rank him as an Anti-Hero, but he does such a great job playing an a**hole who you'd want to punch in the face but then shows sensitive side when you get to know his back story, and Urban does a great job in playing both sides of an a**hole then a caring a**hole. While Karl Urban's character is the a**hole that you want to have on your side, Anthony Starr who plays the Evil Superman aka Homelander does a fantastic job playing this egotistical psychopathic villain that is just so disgustingly evil that you can't even bare to look at him because of how many skeletons he has in his closet, but then is kind of funny when shows his insecurities as well. And both actors both do a great job playing off each other though Starr really doesn't need anyone to help him be a monster to be honest, just Urban's allies are the ones who help him be the man he needs. Jack Quaid aka Dennis Quaid's son, who is kind of the real protagonist of the show because he's in a sense the first person you meet to go on this journey of madness, and really what makes his character great is that at first, he all for this revenge fueled rampage but then meets this one woman, who gives him hope while she is helped by Quaid to feel strong and secure. And really both Quaid and Erin Moriarty who plays Starlight (the sort of Super Girl inspired character) does a great job playing the love couple we all want to end up in the end of the show though we're not sure through the course of the show. Okay, I'm officially going to end this once and for all because I don't want to spoil anything, full disclosure I would review each of the seasons as I did with my review of The Mandalorian, though I'm not sure I want to for many reasons I might need to see a therapist if I go back and re-watch the season so until I the seasons over I might binge it again. But hands down this is one of the G.O.A.T’s of all Superhero shows second is basically a tie with Daredevil and The Punisher, so in all honesty this is a show if you’re tired of watching MCU and DC films this is a show that will make you feel so refreshed by the end of the viewing.

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