Thursday, November 18, 2021

Rifftrax: Plan 9 from Outer Space


                            Typical movie night, I recently subscribed to the Rifftrax's YouTube channel since they've been releasing free movies of their recent riffs on bad movies, long behold they just released Ed Wood's classic Plan 9 From Outer Space and as usual movie nights would go especially the boring kind when I can't find anything I want to watch I said to myself "what the hell". Well, in truthfulness this was my first experience of an Ed Wood film and I in a million years never thought I would experience a movie quite like this one. I may or may not have given a brief history behind Rifftrax in my last review of a movie they made fun of, so I'll give a little brief history behind Rifftrax. During the last three seasons of Mystery Science Theater 3000 Mike Nelson, Kevin Murphy and Bill Corbett we're a force to be reckoned with in TV comedy in fact these guys where my first introduction to MST3K, anyway a few years since the show ended they've been recently be releasing their own tracks on popular films that have recently been released via downloading them on MP3 style of software so anytime you watch a movie you can listen to them making fun of it. Then long behold these guys are still in business performing shows all over the country. So, with that brief history lets go ahead and talk about their latest movie victim.
                             The basic story is this Aliens are invading earth because of our stupidity they summon real life monsters such as Bela Lugosi reprising his role as Dracula and the United States of America are trying to stop the invasion from happening. Oh, and there's a lot of stock footage of stuff I should let everyone know.
                            Now, in fairness I've heard of Ed Wood I just never experienced one of his films and I swear to you watching this amazingly entertaining bad film was all I needed to know about the guy. They say films are a way of looking into the filmmaker’s mind, and to be honest Ed Woods mind would be nothing but egotism, insanity and well, let’s just say pure madness because I can't find another word to describe crazy. A side from Ed Woods craziness the movie is so entertaining from the bad set designs to the bad dialogue and even the stock footage that includes a lot of monster that have nothing to do with the movie itself and what makes the film great to watch is you have Mike, Kevin and Bills track playing over it which makes it even better because the amazing joke of all time for me is "Big Foot shaved, no that's still Tor Johnson". But to be fair I don't think I would really watch this film if it didn't have any of the rifftrax jokes because really I wouldn't have a whole lot of interest seeing it to begin with but now having watched this with the MST3K men, would I want to watch this film without them? And the answer is obviously no because they make this film look like a Oscar movie with their wise cracks and jokes. A fun fact I should add, is that Bella Lugosi died a year before this film was released and I could imagine that in his final minutes of his life he had to of seen the set of the airplane's cockpit and was like "yeah I'm going home and sleep with hope that God takes me away", because throughout the film it’s clear that it’s a double posing as Lugosi/Dracula. So, in short if you’re looking for something to watch I would highly recommend watching this and don't be afraid to find some exciting stuff on YouTube and despite the annoying adds there some exciting movies and documentaries you can enjoy watching.  

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