Even though we're long gone with Veteran's Day moreover long passed Black Friday I figured I'd still talk about a Call of Duty game I've recently played a week ago and proceed to talk about it anyway, mainly because this is probably one of the best Call of Duty games set in World War II and sure there's some of its successors and predecessors but this is one of the few WWII games were you at least have a variety of enemy's to shoot at and well get to that later but yes Nazi Germany was the main enemy fighting with when it comes the second World War but it should be the same concept when it comes to making a WWII game, Hell it’s been quite a long time since the first Call of Duty was made and we still to this day haven't made a game set in the Great War besides the Battlefield franchise, so enough talk let’s talk about Call of Duty World at War.
Set in 1942 you play both Private's from both United States and Soviet Union, one fighting the Japanese in the Pacific Coast and the other bringing down Nazi Germany.
Why after replaying this great Call of Duty game, I consider this the best WWII game setting? Well the obvious answer is this, you at least get a variety in terms of enemies you get to fight plus expand the story of the second World War in a good way. Though sure I'm all for killing some Nazi's but let’s have different enemies to shoot at, because let’s be honest Nazi Germany wasn't the only enemy the whole world was fighting there was the Italians and Japanese that were allied with Nazi Germany, so in all honesty you can at least expand some story lines into the WWII history that we've never heard about in history classes or documentaries. What also makes this game great is that you have both Kiefer Sutherland and Gary Oldman playing leaders to your character you’re playing, moreover I think Oldman playing a Russian Sargent, all I can say is playing a Russian terrorist in Air Force One really payed off because I had no clue he was providing his own voice in the game. In closing I still say Call of Duty World at War is still the better WWII game because of its different enemies to fight so yeah people might have a different view point on that but I believe it shouldn't always be Nazi Germany because than we're becoming lazy when it comes to storytelling.