Friday, November 20, 2020

Black Scorpion TV series


                      Now I know what you’re thinking, that this show I'm recently watching but I can't stop thinking about looks like porn? Yes and no and here's why this show alone is basically porn but without the sex for which is a big difference. Nevertheless, this show is crème deli crème of shows that the whole world needs to see and needs to see it, RIGHT NOOOOOOOOOOW. Roger Corman most famous for bringing us Death Race 2000 for which I will talk about in futures to come but will leave it there. Now were going to be talking about this mesmerizing bad but I myself can't look away, this was in my opinion a show that pretty much set back feminist movement till 2017. Black Scorpion I remember fondly not literally just figuratively, and I swear on that believe me I had parents that would slap me from days to come if I watched this at a young age. But getting back to Black Scorpion when I was in my junior high years of watching nothing but Mystery Science Theater 3000 on the Sci-Fi Channel the commercial of Black Scorpion showed up constantly and being a young teen I thought she was hot and probably seen parts of it then that was it, the whole existence of the show just wiped from my memory, until I saw that this is on Amazon Prime, and after seeing at least seven episodes in, and I have come to terms that my generation of television was a complete and uttermost lie.
                      Basically, the show is the concept of Tim Burton's Batman with the 70's Wonder Woman. Darcy Walker is a Cop in Angel City while at night she becomes Black Scorpion a some-sort of Dominatrix that fights crime, for which majority of the villains that our females in skin tight outfits. And really that's all I can say in terms of the plot of the whole show.
                      So, listen, out of the dumbness of people around the world listen to me and listen like you've obviously have never listen to me before given the fact that majority of the world is dumb right now. This show needs to be seen, it needs to be seen by everyone, everyone who loves every Michael Bay movie, every Adam Sandler movie especially those who loved movies like Blade Runner 2049 or the new Star Wars Trilogy and especially those who loved Freddy Got Fingered. This show needs to be seen all over the world, and why do you all ask? Good question, because men like Roger Corman thought this would be great entertainment for some bizarre reason even the studio executives thought this show would be amazing to watch either that or I guess they must of been high while give the green light for the show to go forward. But then realized that this show was losing a lot of money or the producers were running out of cocaine and pot. However, the main reason as to why this show needs to be watched moreover rediscovered is because this show literally was wanting to be taken seriously a side from the fact that this was written and directed by male writers when a show like this should of been written by female writers. For which is the reason why the feminist movement was pushed back to 2017 because a lot of these female lead, action heroes were all written by dudes and that's a huge problem because we men always think of the fantasy woman and can't work at all because we men always think of women like Kate Upton or any other SI Swimsuit model we can find and part of the problem with that idea is they don't have a lot of acting chops. And don't get me wrong, Michelle Lintel was a gorgeous woman to look at but when it comes to watching her fight I could almost do a drinking game on the amount of high kicks she does but very little on punches I mean if she was on a Playstation 2 fighting game I guess that would work but when it comes to live television no that's not how it works. The other problem but turns into cheesiness/comedic is that all the women villain's a side from Black Scorpion are all-in skin-tight suits that it feels like it’s a porn shoot, hell even the dialogue exchange is very sexual as well, so that basically proves my point that this show is porn but without the sex. So listen in a world that's pretty much making us miserable and the news does nothing but give us DOOM news, I highly recommend watching this show and I know you'll find it hard to believe but this is a TV series that needs to be seen to believe, hell even I get some humor out of this myself when I watch it so if this series can give me some humor I'm pretty sure this will do quite well for you.
                      Also, here's a special article from LA Times you might like.        

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