Sunday, August 28, 2022

A League of their Own: TV series


                              Okay, so it was like this I found out Amazon was doing a League of their Own TV show, granted I wasn't really all that interested but my mom was somewhat interested and asked me to sit down and watch the first episode with her. And of course, I did, mainly because I didn't have anything better to do, and this might not be that bad. Unfortunately, after watching the first episode Mom and I called it good, reasons why we both in a sense called a lesbian love story in the works for which makes sense because the co-creator was Bi-Sexual and one of the directors also directed Lesbian films. But the main reason I picked up throughout this show is mostly this was really nothing anything original especially when they made the same scenes from the original film. The other reasons, they crammed so many characters in this show, and I'm assuming they did that because they were not going to be renewed for a second season. And will get to that later. 
                               The show itself is set in 1943, for which begun the formation of the All-Girls Baseball League, almost like the movie, where some of the story line centers on whether this league would last long or not, or will America accept this as Baseball or not, with a bit of a coming out love story if you know what I mean.
                                 Now as a first time viewing a show like this, I didn't mind the whole Lesbian love story for which is where a married woman falls for another woman on the team. And I can tell you the honesty truth it didn't bug me much other than I kind of predicted that would happen because let's be real when you’re in an all-girls baseball league there would be times when you find out you like girls. Okay, enough of my lame comedic jokes (or whatever) as the creator's should do because it's new generations when you can take these kinds of risks, though on the other hand my mom didn't like that for which I understand her reasons because she was a sixties-seventies gal with religious background so in fairness I get where she's coming from. The real problem I have with the show is that they crammed way to man characters in this show for starters they introduced the black female ballplayer way to early and this was 1943, for which yeah I'm pretty sure some of them wanted to try out but the problem is, that we've seen that and really if your planning on doing more seasons wouldn't it make a lot more sense to use that character concept for when they reach the 1947 season when Jackie Robinson broke the Color barrier? I'm just saying if you’re expanding the story of the girl’s baseball league you should at least save that story line or set it in 1947. The other problem I have with it is that the recreate scenes that where just out of the original film, for which sure nobody ever remembers the original movie but I can count at least two scenes where they recreate scenes from the original movie, for which is fine and all because again I'd bet nobody has seen the original movie but in all fairness you should really separate yourself from the original movie and stay more focus in making this your own show. I'm confident that the show alone will be loved by millions in fact it's showing great promise by everyone, but as a show itself I believe that this a lecture for all men who didn't appreciate the women of today nor the women who appreciated the women's baseball. But in all honesty, I'm a man who believes God created men and women equal and so if I really want a lecture I'd go to church and hear what God has to say. So, in closing if you’re in for a show like this I would avoid it but if you loved the original movie, I'd say go crazy.

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