Just another day, well technically nighttime I had nothing better to do other than having to sort out my Baseball cards morally putting them back in my card book. Although with all that sorting I had to find something to ignore and mostly try watching. Well thankfully Scarlett Johansson's Black Widow on Disney +, like watching Eternals this was another movie on my Disney + account that was on the continue watching list while sorting out my baseball card collection. Although I had no interest in seeing this movie while back mainly because this came out a year before Avengers: Endgame's release and in all honesty, I found less interest in watching a movie that was set after the events of Captain America: Civil War, so in fairness you can catch my reason as to why I didn't have a full interest in wanting to watch this movie prior to the film’s release. But, as fate would have it moreover needing to put my baseball card collection back in order, I decided to put this movie on.
Again, the film is set after the events of Captain America: Civil War, Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) goes into hiding but is stalked by a mysterious assassin with ties to her past. Black Widow soon learns that she needs to go back to the past she left behind and burn it all to the ground.
Out of all the Avengers characters from the MCU, Black Widow was indeed one of those characters I cared about, but part of the problem was no doubt that the film was released a year before Avengers: Endgame was released and seeing that her character was killed off, I really didn't have in interest in wanting to watch a movie in which she finally gets her debut movie furthermore knowing her fate. Granted if this film came out during the Phase Three era, I would think differently but, it's already happened so now I can't really say much about the film. I will not say much about Johansson's performance because there's really nothing to say she's a natural and there really no one in a million years that can play the original Black Widow. But what I kind of find laughable is her ability the take her character as a female Jason Bourne where she literally doesn't have any broken bones or legs or the arms, and yes I'm talking about the action sequence in Budapest where she and her sister is outrunning the other Black Widow's and she fell and didn't broke any other bones, granted that wasn't the only one we can also talk about the sequence where she blew up the Black Widow base and she was doing her best Superman flying while outsmarting the Taskmaster. And to be fair my complements I can give to this films credit is the action sequences that were unintentionally funny and especially when you watch something where the Action sequences are just to ridicules moreover doesn't look at all realistic that's when you must chuckle on its utter nonsense. The other problem I also have with the movie as well is that they were using characters from the Marvel Universe that were a complete waste, give you a great example both Red Guardian and Taskmaster, and hearing that there was a Russian Super Soldier is just such disappointing because this would of been a great villain or rival towards Captain America that they could of at least use in the Captain America movies, I mean it would of been awesome if the two of them worked together and fought Red Skull, but know they didn't use him nor had a thought of using him so now this probably the only time will ever see a Russian Super Soldier in any of the upcoming MCU films, so again just a wasted opportunity. And the same goes with Taskmaster, whose supposed to be the assassin that basically fighting a mirror version of the hero's self and this character was as I felt, a wasted opportunity because again he would of made an excellent criminal mastermind where he tries to manipulate the Avengers and the only ones who can stop them where Thor, Hulk and Iron Man, but again I can say so many things on to what would be better to use these characters but in the end there's really no use because the more your brain wants to fix these movies, the more you go insane and that's not healthy. A side from the laughable action sequences and Scarlett Johansson being the only Black Widow in the movie with an English accent and her fellow supporting cast has Russian accents for which again I'm keeping my distance because again if you can fix what's broken, insanity kicks in. But back to topic this is one of those films that it's fine to watch once while you’re keeping your place clean or doing laundry but in all honesty, I don't think I would ever want to watch this film ever again.